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Experience Center


Experience Center

The Ellinikon Experience Center

Vice President of Experiences AT MediaMonks,  2022

The Ellinikon, in Athens Greece, will be Europe’s Largest Urban Redevelopment. This Expansive New City Center will take over 20 years to build.

In order to bring the ambitious Future vision of this city to life today, Media.monks and LAMDA development partnered to design and build a 1,800 sq meters permanent experience center On the site of the Old Ellinikon Airport.

This ground-up development houses 6 Immersive zones and 23 interactive touchpoints. From a 9-meter projection Mapped City Model to an XR boat ride, we handleD everything: from the concept, spatial layouts, architecture, and guest journey, to software and content production for a fully connected experience.

A Fully Connected Journey

From the moment you arrive, you receive a Boarding Pass, which personalizes your journey every step of the way. The RFID-enabled card acts as a kind of magical object to guide your way.

Interacting with the City of the Future

Using gesture control, visitors explore A 9-meter round maquette with a surrounding 360 media experiences, to discover the development’s transit, infrastructure, lifestyle, and recreation.

An XR Boatride of the Marina

Guests can take the wheel in navigating along the future Athenian riviera with an extended reality (XR) yacht including real water, sea breeze, and waterfalls all around.

Future Living

A super connected smart apartment gives guests a pre-view out the window of different towers and levels overlooking the Ellinikon.

In Smart Cities

A human-centered urban future comes to life displaying a new vision for sustainabily, mobility, andt smart infrastructure.

Ride Through Local

Flora & Fauna

take a spin through the Metropolitan Park, the largest urban park in Europe.


We brought a unified design approach everystep of the way.